
Here's what I get when VSTS builds the function (made in VS2017, C#):

Info: Updating file (intr\bin\CheckNewBlob.dll). Failed to deploy web package to App Service. Try to deploy app service again with Rename locked files option selected. Error Code: ERROR_FILE_IN_USE Error: C:\Program Files\IIS\Microsoft Web Deploy V3\msdeploy.exe failed with return code: 4294967295

I set 'Take app offline' in the Deploy task but that didn't help.

Now, it says Try to deploy app service again with Rename locked files option selected. Where is this option? Can't find it (in VSTS).


1 Answers


The "Rename Locked Files" option only shows up once you have selected "Publish using Web Deploy", see the screenshot below:

Rename Locked Files