I have a query that will potentially return multiple rows for the same ID from my database. This is because it is a payment table and an invoice can be paid on multiple times.
So my results can look like this.
ID Company BillAmount AmountPaid
----- --------- ------------ ------------
123 ABC 1000.00 450.00
123 ABC 1000.00 250.00
456 DEF 1200.00 1200.00
I am building this query to put into Crystal Reports. If I just pull the raw data, I won't be able to do any sub totaling in CR as Bill amount on this will show $3200 when it is really $2200. I'll need to show balance and I can do that in CR but if I am pulling balance on each line returned, the total balance due for all records shown will be wrong as the "duplicate" rows will be counted wrong.