
When I run the Jest coverage report, it prints out each type of coverage and the percentage by file. The last column that shows the uncovered lines gets truncated when there are more than ~4-5 lines. Is there a way to print all of the uncovered lines?

File                           |  % Stmts | % Branch |  % Funcs |  % Lines |Uncovered Lines |
All files                      |    75.57 |    69.18 |    74.21 |    75.83 |                |
 js/components/catalyst        |    80.74 |    72.97 |    80.16 |    81.85 |                |
  JobGroup.jsx                 |    57.14 |       50 |    44.44 |       60 |... 33,34,38,73 |

This shows me that JobGroup.jsx has lines 33,34,38, and 73, but there are more, and I'd like to see them all at once.

Looks like an hardcoded setting in istanbul. The only workaround I found is to look at the report in the browser from the file <coveragedir>/lcov-report/index.htmlstilllife
@stilllife, I couldn't quite find the file that you suggested, but that did prompt me to check the cobertura-coverage.xml report that we have, and that does have what I need (with some digging)! Thanks! If anyone else is reading this in the future and has a cobertura-coverage.xml file, the lines that have hits="0" are the uncovered lines.L. Cromer
I bet there's a better way. Lab.js for instance outputs a nice html coverage report with hit count per line iircjcollum

2 Answers


Is there a way to print all of the uncovered lines?

I'm using React + TypeScript + Jest. In my project, I run npm test -- --coverage, and the file with the remaining uncovered lines is under the coverage directory:

<project name>\<directory>\<directory>\coverage\lcov-report\index.html

(Your file path may have a variation on the coverage part. :-))

Then I navigate to the file of interest:

code coverage results for file of interest

All lines highlighted in pink are uncovered:

line highlighted in pink


This is an alternative solution that some may find helpful.

Personally, I use VSCode, and there is a plugin available called "Code Coverage", it does something similar to the other answer here, by Super Jade, except it will highlight the code after you run a coverage test, like so.

enter image description here

enter image description here