I've been using Replace Tokens (from VS Marketplace) and it served me well so far for the dynamic connection string substitution in the web.config file. The way it works, in the Web.Release.config I have a construction like this:
<add name="Default"
xdt:Transform="SetAttributes" xdt:Locator="Match(name)"/>
When I start release in VSTS, it replaces this token (in between "__") with the variable value in the release pipeline. So, I always have a connection string that corresponds to the relevant environment. Yesterday I decided to add some more variables into this file, hoping it'll work as well, as I have a lot keys that should be parametrized for security reasons. Well, if I add to the file something like this:
<add key="mailToken" value="__mailToken__" xdt:Transform="SetAttributes" xdt:Locator="Match(key)" />
it doesn't work. In the web.config which is deployed, I see value="mailToken" i.e. it's not substituted with the variable stored in the release pipeline (as for connection string). After around a day of suffering, I discovered that the only parameter that could be replaced like that is connection string (because this is the only parameter set in auto-generated by the build "Web.SetParameters.xml" file). I tried to play around parameter.xml file as some sources suggest, but no success. It is important that all the variables are taken from the release pipeline variable list (and not hardcoded in config files). Can someone suggest a proper way to substitute the values in appSetting or another workaround (without Replace Tokens task etc.)?