I am trying to click on a <a> tag but when I am trying to access it by ID i got an error that says Unable to locate element.
I am using selenium c# in unit test project. the code to make the click is the followining:
and <a> tag code is the following:
<a id="BUTTON_OPEN_SAVE_btn0_acButton" ct="B" title="New Analysis of Existing Data" st="" href="javascript:void(0);" class="urBtnStd" ocl="sapbi_page.sendCommandArray([['BI_COMMAND_TYPE','LOAD',0],['TARGET_DATA_PROVIDER_REF','DP_1',0],['OPEN_SAVE_DIALOG_LAYOUT','DATAPROVIDER_PERSISTENCY',0]],event);" onkeydown="ur_Button_keypress(event);" onclick="ur_Button_click(event);" style="width:0;width:0;">New Analysis</a>