I am trying query the values in dynamoDB and I have still the error.
Date is ISO-8601 (String) = createdAt and is it sort key.
My params:
TableName: 'Pool',
ExpressionAttributeValues: { ':oin': 'lol', ':from': '2017-12-16T20:26:02.594Z' },
KeyConditionExpression: 'oin = :oin',
ConditionExpression: 'createdAt >= :from',
ProjectionExpression: 'createdAt, h10m, h30m, h1h, h24h, accepted, stale, dupl, oth',
ScanIndexForward: false
I try GE with same result.
I generate the date with this code in Node.js:
var date = new Date();
var dateiso = date.toISOString();
I get following error:
ValidationException: Value provided in ExpressionAttributeValues unused in expressions: keys: {:from}
Any idea how to solve ConditionExpression? Thank you