Azure storage allows for a default container called $root As explained in the documentation
Using the Azure Portal. When I try to upload a scripts folder to my $root container I get the error
upload error for validate-form.js
Upload block blob to blob store failed:
Make sure blob store SAS uri is valid and permission has not expired.
Make sure CORS policy on blob store is set correctly.
StatusCode = 0, StatusText = error
How do I fix this?
I can upload to containers that are not called $root
I guess SAS means Shared Access Signature. I set up the container with Blob ( anonymous read access for blobs only) I will try Container ( anonymous read access for containers and blobs)
Changing the access policy made no difference. The access policy is not displayed for $root
I am aware that one must put a file in a new folder in order for the folder to create. This is not that issue.
Here is what my website blob looks like. I can do this for my website container but not my $root container.