
I am a total newcomer to the Azure cloud. I have this .net-core 2.0 app which runs locally on my development PC (Ubuntu Linux 17.10).

I have followed this guide:


... and I have deployed my app to the App Service container. However, when I go to the app in my browser I get:

"503 Service Temporarily Unavailable"

Now, there are probably thousand things which can go wrong. However, I can't seem to find any debug logs/console logs to look into - so I am kinda looking with my eyes closed (It's not easy to debug that way).

It should be noted that I am on a free trial which have given me a $200 credit to use in the next 30 days.

How do one debug when a service is failing (yes, I've already tried the various suggestions on the portal but with no luck)?

I test in my lab according to this guide, I don't meet your error. Do you change something? When you execute git push azure master, do you get some error log?Shui shengbao

2 Answers


How do one debug when a service is failing?

You could check deployment log on Azure Portal.

enter image description here

Click first commit, you will see the log.

Also, you could access Kudu console to check the log. You could access http://<webapp name>.scm.azurewebsites.net

enter image description here


Migrating OP's self-answer from the question:

I solved this by adding this to the PropertyGroup in my *.csproj file:


(as per: https://github.com/aspnet/IISIntegration/issues/476)

Now my app works and gives the expected output.