A little late to the party but I have a method to do this. I am using Vue CLI 3 and GitHub pages.
First of all, I commit all the source file into a source branch, and commit the dist
folder (generated by Vue) to the master branch using the following shell command:
# deploy.sh
#!/usr/bin/env sh
# abort on errors
set -e
# build
echo Building. this may take a minute...
npm run build
# navigate into the build output directory
cd dist
# create a copy of index.html
cp index.html 404.html
find . -name ".DS_Store" -delete
# if you are deploying to a custom domain
echo 'custom.com' > CNAME
# remove git and reinitialise
rm -rf .git
echo Deploying..
git init
git add -A
git commit -m 'deploy'
# deploy
git remote add origin https://github.com/User/repo.github.io
git push origin master --force
cd -
rm -rf dist
When GitHub pages can't find the route, it uses 404.html
. The deploy program I wrote makes a copy of index.html and names it 404.html. That's why it works.
Just realised that this wouldn't be good for SEO purposes as it returns a 404 response and Google won't index it.