I need to be able to add strings (paths) to an XML file using shell script, This is the XML that I have:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no"?>
<emailFrom>[email protected]</emailFrom>
<emailSubject>Push notification</emailSubject>
<!-- Stash general URL-->
<emailTo>[email protected]</emailTo>
<emailTo>[email protected]</emailTo>
<emailTo>[email protected]</emailTo>
And I need to add additional path to the subnode only for one version (let's say for test_12.55.10), The path's I want to add are:
Server/./resources/schema/v12_55_10/./.-dbSchemaDescriptor.xml, Server/./resources/SpringIOC/dataupgrader/v12_55_10/./.-dataUpgrader.xml, Server/./java/com/hp/mqm/dataupgrader/v12_55_10/./..java, Server/./resources/indexes/v12_55_10/.*.index
I want to use sed or "xmlstarlet" as I saw other people suggested, So the output that I want to get is: