
I am a beginner for saml authentication. I can understand the concepts and theme. But in real time, I do not know how to implement and code it.

What are all needed? How to code for the saml authentication? What technology needed? How many servers/websites needed? Which will be the service provider and identity provider. I do not know the procedure to code.

What are the prerequisites should i know?

I referred http://docs.oasis-open.org/security/saml/Post2.0/sstc-saml-tech-overview-2.0-cd-02.html#1.Introduction|outline. But it is quite confusing. I could not get a clear idea to implement for my own.

  1. What are the series of instructions to implement SAML authentication for my own sever/website?
  2. Which will be the IDENTITY provider(Authorization server) and SERVICE provider?
  3. How websites put it in service provider(Resource server) and saml authentication given?
  4. How credentials stored and token response generated in the identity provider.

  5. How to implement as a code and what are needed to create?

Please help me.. Thanks in advance...


1 Answers


You haven't specified the language but on the client side, you need a SAML stack.

Refer SAML : SAML connectivity / toolkit.

On the server side, you need an IDP.

This could be ADFS, shibboleth, identityserver or an IDaaS product like Auth0 or Okta.