
I'm using RequireJS and when I define a new module using the function "define" I see the dependencies were resolved but the objects are not the modules I defined.

All the modules are defined in AMD format, setting a name, array of dependencies and a function. The exportation is done by return an object.

The dependencies resolved by "define" have these properties: exports, id, packaged, and uri. If I then call require function the dependencies are set correctly.

UPDATE: I created a test example with the described issue


<!DOCTYPE html>

    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width" />
    <script src="/Scripts/require.js" data-main="../Scripts/main"></script>
    <script src="/Scripts/module.js"></script>


require(["module"], function (module) {


define([], function () {

    function test() {
        return "a";

    return {
        test: test

Console: Uncaught TypeError: module.test is not a function

This happens because module is not resolved to the real module but to an object with properties:

-config { arguments: null, caller: null, length: 0, name: "config" }

-exports { id: "@r5", uri: "../Scripts/@r5.js" }

Setting a module name in the define function has the same result.

NOTE: in the example there was an issue detected by @Louis. A module cannot be named "module". This helped me fixed the example but didn't fix my real issue. Below I describe the solution.


My issue was related to a library called Ace (HTML editor). This is the link that helped me solve it: https://github.com/josdejong/jsoneditor/issues/173

What does your require config look like? How come you use bConfig at one place and builderConfiguration at another? Are they the same?dbf
That was a typo in the question, I have already fixed it. I don't have a require config, is that mandatory? require functions resolves dependencies correctly so define should do it the same way. I'm using bundles to load the files.Francisco Goldenstein
No define should not, just because require does. You have to understand how require.js locates modules by settings it's path, either absolute or relative. If you do not receive a failure that bConfig module could not be loaded, or normalized to a module according to your require.config settings, then the only problem I can think of is that you have multiple bConfig.js files in your project directory. Doesn't make sense otherwise.dbf
I don't have multiple bConfig.js files. No errors, the problem is how the objects are resolved to something else with the properties I specified in the question.Francisco Goldenstein
You won't get anything more than guesses until you edit the question with a minimal reproducible example. I've used RequireJS for years, and I've never ever seen the behavior you describe, and there's nothing in the code currently in the question that would explain why you get the behavior you describe. (To answer a question in an earlier comment: you can absolutely run RequireJS without setting a configuration explicitly, if the defaults happen to be what you need.)Louis

2 Answers


With the edit you made, it is now possible to diagnose the issue. Do not name any module you write with the name module, and the problem will go away.

The name module is one of three reserved module names: module, require and exports. You should never name any of your own modules with these names.

When you ask RequireJS to load module, it is not loading your module. Instead, it simply returns an internal structure which is meant to provide information about the current module. It has fields like id, which gives the current module id (i.e. the module name) and url which gives the URL from which the module was loaded, and so on and so forth.


Ok, so after reading

properties: exports, id, packaged, and uri.

I'm guessing, like @Louis said we would, that the example in the OP's question is not the example in the OP's (test-)project.

When defining a module, there are 2 (and lots of more) general ways of doing so.

On of them is explained in the docs titled CommonJS.

If a module is defined with

define(function(require, exports, module) {



then the 3rd argument module will indeed contain exports, id and uri as in.

   config: function config()
   exports: Object {  }
   id: "js/modules/handgrip/index.js?bust=1512509846564"
   uri: "js/modules/handgrip/index.js?bust=1512509846564&bust=1512509846564"

In order to "return" your module in the given context, you can export it with

define(function(require, exports, module) {

   // require a depedency already loaded in context
   var someDep = require('someDep1');

   module.exports = {
      // whatever this module is about ..

Only if you define the module with a name, followed by dependencies, as in

define('thename', [ 'someDep1', 'seomDep2', 'etc..' ], function(dep1, dep2, ..) {

   // the arguments in this context are those listed in order as defined in the array (parameters)


you get your expected results ..

-- update after edit

Was in a Scrum-meeting, sorry ;) So it's quite clear, as @Louis wrote.

module, exports and require are reserved words.

The following have the same results

define(['require', 'exports', 'module'], function(require, exports, module) {

define(function(require, exports, module) {