
I'm using Android Gradle Plugin 3.0.0.

I'm migrating an Android app from java to kotlin. My app has classes in Java and Kotlin, and tests are in Java.

I run ./gradlew clean jacocoTestReport.

This runs both unit tests (src/test) and instrumentation tests (src/androidTest).

The report produced by jacoco in app/build/reports/jacoco/jacocoTestReport/html/index.html doesn't show coverage for Kotlin classes which are indeed covered by unit tests.

The report does show coverage correctly from instrumentation tests.

Note: I came across these other questions, which aren't exactly the same issue:

Relevant portions of my app module's build.gradle:

apply plugin: 'jacoco'
apply plugin: 'kotlin-android'
apply plugin: 'kotlin-kapt'
android {
    defaultConfig {
        sourceSets {
            main.java.srcDirs += "$projectDir/src/main/kotlin"

    testOptions {
        unitTests {
            all {
                jvmArgs '-noverify', '-ea'
            includeAndroidResources = true

dependencies {
    implementation "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib-jre7:$kotlin_version"

jacoco {
    toolVersion '0.7.9'

task jacocoTestReport(type: JacocoReport, dependsOn: ["testDebugUnitTest", "createDebugCoverageReport"]) {
    reports {
        html.enabled = true
    classDirectories = fileTree(
            dir: "${buildDir}",
            includes: ["tmp/kotlin-classes/debug/ca/rmen/android/poetassistant/**/*.class",
            excludes: ["**/R.class", "**/R*.class", "**/Manifest.class", "**/Manifest*.class", "**/BuildConfig.class",
                       // ignore databinding generated code:
                       ... other excludes ...
    sourceDirectories = files("${project.projectDir}/src/main/java", "${project.projectDir}/src/main/kotlin")
    executionData = fileTree(
            dir: "${buildDir}",
            includes: [

1 Answers


I had to add includeNoLocationClasses = true to my gradle file as follows, to make the jacoco report reflect the coverage of Kotlin classes by unit tests:

android {
    testOptions {
        unitTests {
            all {
                jvmArgs '-noverify', '-ea'
                jacoco {
                    includeNoLocationClasses = true
            includeAndroidResources = true

Note: this solution works for running tests from the command line, but I still get 0% coverage when running with coverage from inside Android Studio.