
I'm developing a website and I'm trying to secure the connection part.

I used the addslashes function on $login to stop SQL injection but some friends told me that's not enough security. However, they didn't show me how to exploit this vulnerability.

How can I / could you break this code? How can I secure it?


    if ( isset($_POST) && (!empty($_POST['login'])) && (!empty($_POST['password'])) )
        $sql = "SELECT pseudo, sex, city, pwd FROM auth WHERE pseudo = '".addslashes($login)."'";
        $req = mysql_query($sql) or die('Erreur SQL');
        if (mysql_num_rows($req) > 0)
            $data = mysql_fetch_assoc($req);
            if ($password == $data['pwd'])
                $loginOK = true;
google addslashes VS mysql_real_escape_string : sitepoint.com/forums/showthread.php?t=337881Vincent Mimoun-Prat
There're many outdated tutorials out there that suggest addslashes() as a mechanism to escape stuff in SQL queries. If you are learning from one of those, I suggest you try to find something more up-to-date and accurate. Also, extract($_POST) is a nice example of vulnerability; don't do it! BTW, welcome to StackOverflow.Álvaro González
almost exact duplicate of stackoverflow.com/questions/60174/…jamesbtate
that's pretty enough as long as you're using single-byte or utb-8 encoding.Your Common Sense
However you're suffering from much worst injection, out of extract() function. What if there will be loginOk field in the form?..Your Common Sense

6 Answers


You should use mysql_real_escape_string for escaping string input parameters in a query. Use type casting to sanitize numeric parameters and whitelisting to sanitize identifiers.

In the referenced PHP page, there is an example of a sql injection in a login form.

A better solution would be to use prepared statements, you can do this by using PDO or mysqli.


You are storing your passwords in plaintext! That's a major security issue if ever I saw one. What to do about that: at least use a (per-user) salted hash of the password, as seen e.g. here.




There's another gaping security hole - extract. It may save you from typing a few characters, but opens up holes too numerous to mention, for it will overwrite any global variables.

What happens if I post this?

$_POST {
    'login' => 'Admin',
    'loginOK' => 1

Guess what, $loginOK is now == 1 , and I'll be logged in as Admin.

Save yourself a lot of grief later, and just use the variables you want to use, instead of relying on the horrible hack that is extract.


Apart from the usage of addslashes(), these are some random issues found in this code:

  • isset($_POST) is always TRUE, unless you run it from the command line. You can probably remove it.
  • empty() is very tricky. For instance, if $password = '0' then empty($password) is TRUE.
  • You can do this: if( isset($_POST['login']) && $_POST['login']!='' ){}
  • extract($_POST) is a huge vulnerability: anyone can set variables in your code from outside.
  • $password == $data['pwd'] suggests that you are storing plain text passwords in your database. That's a terrible practice. Google for "salted password".
  • You can also do $loginOK = $password == $data['pwd'];. Do you realise why? ;-)

Rather than addslashes you should use mysql_real_escape_string.