
I'm trying to exit the void loop() after an if statement within the loop returns true. In other words, if the condition for the if statement is met, I want it to only run once and stop fully. This is used to control a DC motor with a potentiometer. So, as the potentiometer is HIGH, the dc motor should run for 1 second and stop fully and as the potentiometer is LOW the motor should run backward and stop fully. I'm having trouble exiting the loop.

Below is my code:

const int potIn = A0;
const int actIn = A1;
const int outA = 3;
const int outB = 11;

int potInput = 0;
int actInput = 0;
int outputValue = 0;
int potAnalog = 0;

void setup() {
    // put your setup code here, to run once:

    pinMode(potIn, INPUT);
    pinMode(actIn, INPUT);
    pinMode(outA, OUTPUT);
    pinMode(outB, OUTPUT);


void loop() {
    //  put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
    potInput = digitalRead(potIn);
    actInput = analogRead(actIn);
    potAnalog = analogRead(potIn);

    if (potInput == HIGH){
        digitalWrite(outA, LOW);
        digitalWrite(outB, HIGH);
        digitalWrite(outA, LOW);
        digitalWrite(outB, LOW);
        for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
            if(i == 1)

    if (potInput == LOW){
        digitalWrite(outA, HIGH);
        digitalWrite(outB, LOW);
Unclear - which if statement within the loop? Which loop? The function named loop or a loop within loop?Weather Vane
The function named loop. The first if statement within void loop ()Hussein Al-Hashimi
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { if(i == 1) break; } does not seem to serve any useful purpose. The break exits the for loop. If you return from the void loop it will be called again.Weather Vane
It's a function. If you want to 'leave' it, just 'return;'Martin James
@Weather Vane how do I use the break command to execute that if statement then?Hussein Al-Hashimi

3 Answers


adding the statement exit(0); at the end, works for me!


delete the void loop and use int main() with while(true) inside....you can now exit from the while whenever you want


you can write your code into an int main() function instead of void loop(). void loop() is simply a function where the statement is: while (true) { } so you have this solution:

Delete void loop and write a while (flag==true){ } where you have to write your code (your void loop code) inside the braces and simply set flag to false when you have to exit from the loop.