
I am using the tweetscores package of R to get 'tweets list from twitter. The tweets are stored in json format. While converting it to a data frame I get a lexical error ' Error: lexical error: inside a string, '\' occurs before a character which it may not.".

Any solution to the mentioned error.

A part of the json file text

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Welcome to Stack Overflow. You should provide a reproducible example of your data as described here and show what you have tried so far.tobiasegli_te
Hi, I am using the following code to convert the json file into a data frame tweet_file <- "tweetlist.json" con <- file(tweet_file,"r") input <- readLines(con, -3L) close(con) tweetdata <- ldply(lapply(input, function (x) t(unlist(fromJSON(x, flatten = TRUE)))))Devarshi Mandal
iPhone<\/a>"],"in_reply_to_status_id":null,"in_reply_to_status_id_str":null,"in_reply_to_user_id":null,"in_reply_to_user_id_str":null,"in_reply_to_screen_name":null,"user":{"id":[7.32108114527322e+017],"id_str":["732108114527322112"],"name":["wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww(^o^)/"],"screen_name":["SukiSukinal"],"location":["+6222"],"description":["Alliansi osaosi ngevote kagak. katanya sih fans <U+9808><U+85E4><U+51DC><U+3005><U+82B1>a.k.a<U+308A><U+308A><U+307D><U+3093> + <U+5C71><U+672C><U+5F69>Devarshi Mandal
Don't use the comments section to add details to your question. Edit your question (by pressing 'edit') with the extra details and code you've tried.SymbolixAU

2 Answers


Json format does not allow backslashes so you need to escape them. replace any '\' character found with '\\'. Refer [here][1]

[1]: http://www.json.org/ for more info


You likely have an incomplete json string, which may be caused by the package or by an interrupted connection to Twitter's API. A complete json string returned from Twitter should look something like the following:

complete Twitter json document

which I got using rtweet's stream_tweets() function. With a complete string returned by Twitter's REST or stream API, you should be able to convert the data using basically any json parser (e.g., jsonlite::fromJSON()).