
A comment on the Adobe Alchemy mailing list suggests it is possible to get Alchemy working with Llvm 2.7 (instead of 2.1 in the Alchemy download).

Does anyone know if this is true and if so any tips on how to go about it?

UPDATE: the thread is here and it seems i read it wrong. I missed that the op is the developer of Alchemy talking about an internal Adobe version. I would love an update!

See my comment on the answer below. The reason why the alchemy toolkit hasn't been publicly updated is because it has been refined and is currently serving as the flash to iphone compiler as well as the flash to android compiler ( I think, iphone for sure). Releasing the now updated toolkit would be a direct blow to the top two selling features of the flash IDE now. So essentially you can kiss any hope of ever seeing alchemy being updated goodbye. The only reason it's even still available is probably to comply with licenses so they can use it internally.user562566

1 Answers


I've tried getting LLVM upgraded (see this thread). The short answer is that I don't think you can. The newer LLVMs output a different kind of intermediate opcodes, which the Alchemy backend plugin doesn't expect.