
The release notes for JWPlayer v8, indicate that support for embedding YouTube videos has been dropped:


Here's a conversation about it on Github that they have locked:


I enjoyed using JWPlayer because I could use the same api and player interface for embedding YouTube videos and non-YouTube videos.

Is anyone developing a JWPlayer provider for YouTube? Is there an alternative to JWPlayer that supports YouTube and non-YouTube videos?

I'm tempted to develop YouTube plugin for JW Player 8 - I just need to assess the demand versus potential headache! Meanwhile, there are a number of alternative YouTube wrapping players which might suit your needs - Mediaelementjs, Plyr, Clappr, - whether they meet your requirements will likely depend on the specific functionality you are using the API for.jherrieven
JWPlayer was the best third party player for playing YT videos. However, in your case, I advise you to use the native YouTube HTML5 Video Player developers.google.com/youtube/youtube_player_demo.Alaa Sadik

1 Answers


Please see the Github issue here where the Youtube provider code used in the repo before it was removed can be found: https://github.com/jwplayer/jwplayer/issues/2894