I have a Prolog knowledge base with some "symptom" facts called facts.pl. Here is an example of my KB:
symptom("Typhoid", "muscle_pain").
symptom("Typhoid", "bloating").
symptom("Meningitis", "headache").
symptom("Meningitis", "fever").
symptom("Meningitis", "stiff neck" ).
symptom("Measles", "cough").
symptom("Measles", "runny_nose").
I have written a short prolog program in another file called "diseaseSearch.pl". This program consults facts.pl and is supposed to allow the user to enter a disease name and prints the disease's corresponding symptoms to the screen.
My code:
:- write('loading disease database'), nl.
:- [facts].
:- write('disease database loaded'), nl, nl.
write('> Enter a diseae name followed by a period.'), nl,
write('For Example: Measles'), nl,
write('Disease Name?:'),
read(Input), nl,
If I enter "Measles." the output should be "cough" and "runny_nose". However, with the code above no matter which disease I enter it always returns the result from the first fact which is "muscle_pain". SWI output found here
I found a similar method from an online tutorial, I am trying to learn the basics of Prolog input and output right now. Am I on the right track? Some tips to solve this problem would be greatly appreciated!