I'm trying to implement the MVP architecture in my app.
However, after reading some blogs and viewing some sample project samples, I'm not sure I completely understood where is the right place to detach the view, and what should be done once the view attached for the second time after an async operation.
Most of the examples I saw, just sum it all up with a view's null validation check after an async call.
I'll try to make my point clear with an example - Login/Registration by phone number (The main idea is the important thing, and not the example itself)
There is an activity which display a fragment - LoginFragment.
The user enters his phone number and tries to login.
If the user exits - he should get navigated to another activity (after entering the code received by sms..)
If the user doesn't exits, he should get navigated to registration process - RegistrationFragment.
If there was an error, a dialog with error message should appear, ErrorDialogFragment.
Now, in a happy flow where the user presses the login button and waits until the process complete, all good.
But, in a less happier flows (not so frequent ones, but definitely can't get ignored), the user presses the login button and after that presses the home button or alternatively gets a phone call.
In scenario 1, where we attach/detach the view in onCreate/onDestroy, once the async login operation finish and we should replace to RegistrationFragment or show ErrorDialogFragment, there is a chance we will meet the famous IllegalStateException:
getting exception "IllegalStateException: Can not perform this action after onSaveInstanceState"
In scenario 2, where we attach/detach the view in onResume/onPause, once the async login operation finish we won't be able to replace fragment or show a dialog because the view is already detached.
In this case, I'm not sure what is the right thing to do.
Should we go with scenario 1 and commit the transaction with commitallowingstateloss?
I'm afraid it is a bad idea.
Or Should we go with scenario 2. In this scenario, we should act accordingly when view attached again, which means saving states (RegistrationRequied, ErrorHasOccured, LoginProcessStillRunning, etc..) in the Presenter/Interactor.
Can someone can shed some light regarding this?
Thanks in advance!