
I have an initial data model that's used to populate a form. I have various subcomponents that get their data via prop. However, if I pass undefined through the prop, I can't set the value later without VueJS giving me a warning. But sometimes, my data is undefined and that's okay, and the form is there to make it not undefined (via .sync modifier). How do I avoid this warning?


Initial Data Model:

    color: undefined

App Template:

    <color-picker v-bind:color.sync="color"></color-picker>

Subcomponent Template:

    <button v-on:click="setRed"></button>

Subcomponent Controller/Defintion/Whatever:

Vue.component('color-picker', {
    props: {
        color: {
            default: function () { return 'blue'; }
    methods: {
        setRed: function () {
            this.$set(this, 'color', 'red');

Even though the data passed to the prop is undefined the prop default is NOT triggered. The value of this.color remains undefined.

However, when I click the button to set the color I get a warning from VueJS saying not to add reactive properties, declare data upfront.

Can you be more specific?haMzox
See updated question.Valevalorin

1 Answers


You should use this.$emit('update:color', 'red') to update your prop: Working example.

Also take a look at the documentation about the .sync modifier.