
I am trying to create a div tag in WQO agent using Lotusscript as below :

In my form it is blank form

Dim session As New NotesSession

    Set thisdb = session.CurrentDatabase
    Set doccontext = session.DocumentContext

    Print | </form> _
            <form name ="thisform"  _
        <form name ="thisform" > _
        <div id ="thisform"> _
            Please wait while we proces your request ........<img src='./please-wait.gif' width=50 height=50></img> _
            </div> _
            </form> |

However this outputs nothing, am I doing anythign wrong here ?

Edit :

Basically I wanted to print view html view with button to delete the selected records, but before I want to make sure that please wait is being displayed before it prints HTML view.


1 Answers


As per the help page for WebQueryOpen and WebQuerySave agents, you can't use a print statement in a WQO agent to send HTML to a browser.

A WebQueryOpen event runs the agent before Domino® converts a document to HTML and sends it to the browser. Domino ignores any output produced by the agent in this context.

You need to put a field in the appropriate place on the form, mark it as pass-through HTML, and have your WQO agent save the HTML into the item value for that field.