I'm using FluentD (v.12 last stable version) to send messages to Kafka. But FluentD is using an old KafkaProducer, so that the records timestamp is always set to -1. Thus i have to use the WallclockTimestampExtractor to set the timestamp of the record to the point in time, when the message arrives in kafka.
The timestamp i'm realy interested in, is send by fluentd within the message:
record representation in kafka:
offset = 0, timestamp= - 1, key = null, value = {"timestamp":"1507885936","host":"V.X.Y.Z."}
i would like to have a record like this in kafka:
offset = 0, timestamp= 1507885936, key = null, value = {"timestamp":"1507885936","host":"V.X.Y.Z."}
my workaround would look like: - write a consumer to extract the timestamp (https://kafka.apache.org/0110/javadoc/org/apache/kafka/streams/processor/TimestampExtractor.html)
- write a producer to produce a new record with the timestamp set (ProducerRecord(String topic, Integer partition, Long timestamp, K key, V value)
I would prefer a KafkaStreams solution, if there is one.