Below is the result set when I execute my stored procedure. Based on condition no.of rows will
change. I am using typed dataset to store result set.
264.95 31248 APR/07
273.23 34044 MAY/07
230.96 22232 JUN/07
711.93 81992 JUL/07
427.23 50345 AUG/07
297.90 36961 SEP/07
495.37 43079 OCT/07
648.48 52428 NOV/07
622.06 46364 DEC/07
407.02 46461 JAN/08
605.45 73439 FEB/08
224.81 28121 MAR/08
308.12 33356 APR/08
328.22 35605 MAY/08
372.41 34107 JUN/08
I have to show above result in RDLC file Like below.
APR/07 MAY/07 JUN/07................JUN/08
264.95 273.23 230.96.................372.41
31248 34044 22232 ...............34107
Anyone Please suggest me how to this requirement. Which control I have to use display data on
RDLC report? If I use table control,
is there any way to insert group on column like insert row group?