I just encountered the same issue on my windows 7 machine. I followed the directions in MongoDBs Docs for the install, but it wouldn't let me execute "net start MongoDB" unless I was in "C:\". I didn't want to go back and reinstall MongoDB to follow the instructions included in the Webiyo link referenced above though. If you already installed MongoDB according to their docs and want to be able to execute "net start MongoDB" from where ever your project directory is:
Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SYSTEM > CurrentControlSet > services > MongoDB
Double click ImagePath under the Name column
Paste in the following ImagePath ( edit the folder directory and names to match your needs ):
C:\mongodb\bin\mongod.exe --service --rest --master --logpath=C:\mongodb\log\mongolog.txt --dbpath=C:\mongodb\data\db --config C:\mongodb\mongod.cfg
Note that if you direct copy this ImagePath value and your "data" folder is in the mongodb directory instead of C:\ add the following line to your "mongod.cfg" file: dbpath=C:\mongodb\data\db
After I did this, when I run "net stop MongoDB" I get the message "System error 109 has occurred. The pipe has been ended." You may see it as well. This message has been discussed thoroughly at jira.mongodb.org.
To save you the time of reading the whole back and forth discussion, Tad Marshalls post sums up this issue:
"... it was working fine in 2.1.0; later changes broke it again. But yes, you get this error message in the current code.
The explanation is that mongod.exe is exiting from a callback thread created by the Windows Service Control Manager when it calls us due to "net stop mongodb" and this breaks the RPC pipe it used to create the callback thread. We need to reorganize our exit logic to avoid doing this.
The error message is the only real effect of this issue; we exit on command, cleanly, and inform the Windows Service Control Manager that we are stopped, but then the "net" command displays an error message because we didn't return from the RPC call the way it expected us to."