
I have a set of signals S1, S2, ....,SN, for which I am numerically computing the Fourier transforms F1, F2, ,,,,FN. Where Si's and Fi's are C++ vectors (my computations are in C++).

My Computation objective is as follows:

  1. compute product: F = F1*F2*...*FN

  2. inverse Fourier transform F to get a S.

What I numerically observe is when I am trying to compute the product either I am running into situation where numbers become too small. Or numbers become too big.

I thought of scaling F1 by say a1 so that the overflow or underflow is avoided.

With the scaling my step 1 above will become

F' = (F1/a1)*(F2/a2)*...*(FN/aN) = F'1*F'2*...*F'N

And when I inverse transform my final S' will differ from S by a scale factor. The structural form of the S will not change. By this I mean only the normalization of S is different.

My question is :

  1. Is my rationale correct.

  2. If my rationale is correct then given a C++ vector "Fi" how can I choose a good scale "ai" to scale up or down the Fi's.

Many thanks in advance.

Your question might be better suited for Mathematics Stack Exchange.Ron
What data types are you using (floats? doubles? long doubles? ints?)? Can you show us at least a bit of code?metal
Are you doing complex multiplications?Commodore63
yes, the numerical recipes fft routine which I am using puts real and complex parts of the numbers side by side i.e. N complex numbers are put in a vector of size 2N. After I get the output from the fft routine, I do perform complex multiplications.user1612986

1 Answers


You can change the range of the Fi vector in a new domain, let's say [a, b]. So from your vector Fi, the minimum number will become a and the maximum number will become b. You can scale the vector using this equation:

Fnew[i] = (b-a)/(max-min) * (F[i] - min) + a,

where: min = the minimum value from F max= the maximum value from F

The only problem now is choosing a and b. I would choose [1,2], because the values are small (so you won't get overflow easily), but not smaller than 0.