I have a set of signals S1, S2, ....,SN, for which I am numerically computing the Fourier transforms F1, F2, ,,,,FN. Where Si's and Fi's are C++ vectors (my computations are in C++).
My Computation objective is as follows:
compute product: F = F1*F2*...*FN
inverse Fourier transform F to get a S.
What I numerically observe is when I am trying to compute the product either I am running into situation where numbers become too small. Or numbers become too big.
I thought of scaling F1 by say a1 so that the overflow or underflow is avoided.
With the scaling my step 1 above will become
F' = (F1/a1)*(F2/a2)*...*(FN/aN) = F'1*F'2*...*F'N
And when I inverse transform my final S' will differ from S by a scale factor. The structural form of the S will not change. By this I mean only the normalization of S is different.
My question is :
Is my rationale correct.
If my rationale is correct then given a C++ vector "Fi" how can I choose a good scale "ai" to scale up or down the Fi's.
Many thanks in advance.