I am facing a bit of problem with getting the route information from Google maps
I use the following url to get the complete route info. The query contains intermediate destination points http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&hl=en&saddr=45.414569,-75.707324&daddr=45.430579,-75.686953+to:45.436207,-75.684726+to:45.434764,-75.683417+to:45.43415,-75.682838+to:45.429996,-75.683098&ie=UTF8&om=0&dirflg=w&output=kml
This gives me back a kml file but the kml file contains route coordinates only till the first destination point and no futher however if i remove the output parameter, the google map draws all the destinations mentioned in the "+to:" clause http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&hl=en&saddr=45.414569,-75.707324&daddr=45.430579,-75.686953+to:45.436207,-75.684726+to:45.434764,-75.683417+to:45.43415,-75.682838+to:45.429996,-75.683098&ie=UTF8&om=0&dirflg=w
How to get all the route coordinates in KML including all the intermediate destination points
Thanks surya