
DB = Oracle 12

APEX = 4.2

We are moving clouds and the PROD version of the DB with the APEX tables was copied and implemented into another cloud.

I have been told the clouds are exactly the same.

When I try and log into APEX via the web page e.g:

Workspace = Internal

User = ADMIN

I cannot get in. I have tried my normal user and password and no success on any of the workspaces

At home I have installed APEX and have half an idea on what to do but I don’t have admin privileges on the DB. So I have to pass on the messages to the DBA.

So far I have asked the DBA to unlock:


On the connections, Im using SQL Developer to migrate around the DB, the Hostname and Servicename have changed.

Would the change in Service and Host cause logging in issues.

Or, am I missing something obvious, is it a complete re-install, is there a procedure that can be run to update things??

Any tips appreciated




1 Answers


In my defence I am not a DBA.

When I was told the DB was getting copied I assumed I did not need to do anything since all the data should be held in the tables and it would be a simple case of logging in as usual.

Life is never that simple.

So, when I tried to log in I kept getting errors i.e. invalid log in credentials.


1 DBA resets the ADMIN password and supplies me with the details

2 Go to Production and export all the workspaces etc

3 As ADMIN recreate myself in the INTERNAL workspace

4 Log into INTERNAL, as myself not ADMIN, and import the workspaces