
I'm trying to search AD through PowerShell to get email addresses based on display names. The display name is the only thing I have to reference.

The CSV column header is


Here is the script that I am running:

$arrayDisplayNames = Import-Csv C:\3\names.csv
foreach ($objectDisplayName in $arrayDisplayNames) {
    Get-Member -InputObject $objectDisplayName

    $stringFirstName = $objectDisplayName.DisplayName.Split(",")[0]
    $stringLastName = $objectDisplayName.DisplayName.Split(",")[1]

    $objectUserFromDisplay = Get-ADuser $objectDisplayName.DisplayName -Properties EmailAddress, mail

    $objectUserFromFirstLast = Get-Aduser -Filter "givenName -like '$stringFirstName' -and sn -like '$stringLastName'" -Properties EmailAddress, mail

Here's my error:

Get-ADuser : Cannot find an object with identity: 'John,Doe' under:
At line:10 char:26
+ ... omDisplay = Get-ADuser $objectDisplayName.DisplayName -Properties Ema ...
+                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : ObjectNotFound: (John,Doe:ADUser) [Get-ADUser], ADIdentityNotFoundException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : ActiveDirectoryCmdlet:Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Management.ADIdentityNotFoundException,Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Management.Commands.GetADUser

Get-Aduser : The search filter cannot be recognized
At line:12 char:28
+ ... FirstLast = Get-Aduser -Filter "givenName -like '$stringFirstName' -a ...
+                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [Get-ADUser], ADException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : ActiveDirectoryServer:8254,Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Management.Commands.GetADUser

2 Answers


This Line is wrong. You are trying to give Display Name as input into the positional parameter reserved for UserID. Hence the first error at line 10.

$objectUserFromDisplay = Get-ADuser $objectDisplayName.DisplayName -Properties EmailAddress, mail

Change this to:

$StringDisplayName =  $objectDisplayName.DisplayName
$objectUserFromDisplay = Get-ADuser -Filter "Name -like '$StringDisplayName'" -Properties EmailAddress, mail

Although, I doubt you will get any result from this because your DisplayName field has a "," in it and that is probably not how your AD is saving the display Name. Either delete this line, or use a display name that you create from FirstName and LastName components with a space in between. For Eg: $DisplayName = "$stringFirstName stringLastName"

The second error at Line 12, I think is because of improper splitting done for FirstName and LastName. Otherwise the code is accurate.

Change to this:

$stringFirstName = ($objectDisplayName.DisplayName).Split(",")[0]
$stringLastName = ($objectDisplayName.DisplayName).Split(",")[1]

You might also want to change -like to -eq since you are looking to narrow down your search result than return everything AD could find.


Just building on what Rohin's answer was, I've stripped out the comma characters and put the script that can be used below, noting that I was able to test with Active Directory and verify it's returning results.

foreach ($objectDisplayName in $arrayDisplayNames) {

$stringFirstName = ($objectDisplayName.DisplayName).Split(",")[0]
$stringLastName = ($objectDisplayName.DisplayName).Split(",")[1]

# remove , character
$StringDisplayName =  $objectDisplayName.DisplayName -replace ",", " "
$objectUserFromDisplay = Get-ADuser -Filter "Name -like '$StringDisplayName'" -Properties EmailAddress, mail
$objectUserFromDisplay|Select-object Name,EmailAddress,mail