
I have to create a 2D Array of Optional Bool type and compare the value inside it but I can't. The first time I try to declare in this way:

var Answ = [[Bool?]] ()
var Page = 0 

for i in 0...4
    if Answ[Page][i] ==  true

    else if Answ[Page][I] == false



but when I launch the program, it says:

index out of range

when Xcode compares the Answ[Page][i] with the value true.

So, I try to modify the code and declare the array in this way:

var Answ = Array (repeating: Array (repeating: Bool?.self , count: 5), count: 40)
var Page = 0 

for i in 0...4
    if Answ[Page][i] ==  true

    else if Answ[Page][I] == false



but at the same point, (if Answ[Page][i] == true) throws this error:

Binary operator '==' cannot be applied to operands of type 'Bool?.Type' (aka 'optional.Type') and 'Bool'"

Moreover, in other points of the code where I try to set a value of the array as true/false (Answ[Page][2] = true), Xcode says this:

cannot assign value of type 'Bool' to type 'Bool?.Type' (Aka'Optional.Type')

Can someone help me, please? Thank you in advance.

I found this topic:

Checking the value of an Optional Bool

but it didn't help me much.

variable names should be lower camelcase to prevent confusion with typesPranav Kasetti
Following the Apple doc, you should compare two booleans with == developer.apple.com/documentation/swift/bool/2430796. Maybe, the value you're getting with [Page][2] is not a boolDavid Luque

3 Answers


You can compare optional bools as in the Q&A that you linked to. The problem is that

var Answ = Array (repeating: Array (repeating: Bool?.self , count: 5), count: 40)

creates a (nested) array of Bool?.self, which is the type of an optional bool, not a value of that type.

What you want is a (nested) array of Bool? values, initialized to nil:

var answers: [[Bool?]] = Array(repeating: Array(repeating: nil , count: 5), count: 40)

or alternatively:

var answers = Array(repeating: Array(repeating: Bool?.none , count: 5), count: 40)

You should provide a fallback value with ??.

By the way, you don't need to write == false or == true, it's redundant.

if Answ[Page][i] ?? false {

There are several issues with your code. First of all, don't use manual indexing in a for loop, rather use for ... in to have the indexes automatically handled for you. Secondly, a better solution for handling optional booleans is to safely unwrap the value using optional binding and then check the non-optional value. You also don't need to write if bool == true, if bool has the same meaning.

Also please make sure you conform to the Swift naming convention, which is lower-camelCase for variable names.

var answ = [[Bool?]] ()
var page = 0

for ans in answ[page]{
    if let unwrappedAns = ans {
        if unwrappedAns {
            // answ[page][i] = true
        } else {

    } else {
        //answ[page][i] = ans is nil

If you actually want to iterate through the whole array of arrays, this is one safe way for doing so:

for page in answ {
    for ans in page {
        //here ans = Answ[Page][i] when compared to the code in your question
        if let unwrappedAns = ans {
            if unwrappedAns {

            } else {

        } else {
            //ans is nil