I hope I didn´t overlook a similar problem somewhere else on this side, but I couldn´t get an answer on my problem yet...
I have a DEM with a resolution of 10x10m. I need to find all the pixels which have a slope >35° and find out their exposition. (After (?) this, I need to link it somehow with a grid from another program of 100x100m and do further work on them). How can I do this best?
What I did until now:
class : RasterLayer
dimensions : 2731, 2407, 6573517 (nrow, ncol, ncell)
resolution : 10, 10 (x, y)
extent : 57495.5, 81565.5, 202547.5, 229857.5 (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
coord. ref. : +proj=tmerc +lat_0=0 +lon_0=10.33333333333333 +k=1 +x_0=0 +y_0=-5000000 +datum=hermannskogel +units=m +no_defs +ellps=bessel +towgs84=577.326,90.129,463.919,5.137,1.474,5.297,2.4232
names : DEM_10m
values : -32768, 32767 (min, max)
slope_aspect <- terrain(DEM, opt=c("slope", "aspect"), unit="degrees")
slope_aspect$elevation <- DEM
x y slope aspect
1 79560.5 229462.5 3.007349e+01 3.273391e+02
2 79570.5 229462.5 2.946020e+01 3.351363e+02
3 79550.5 229452.5 3.025771e+01 3.150000e+02
4 79560.5 229452.5 3.200538e+01 3.231301e+02
5 79570.5 229452.5 2.902189e+01 3.374794e+02
6 79540.5 229442.5 2.391028e+01 3.195739e+02
7 79550.5 229442.5 3.054151e+01 3.063844e+02
8 79560.5 229442.5 2.719728e+01 3.110548e+02
When I do:
slope aspect elevation
[1,] 35.14579 7.349564e+01 969
[2,] 35.13729 1.465922e+02 975
[3,] 35.94211 4.639718e+01 1063
[4,] 36.00673 4.081508e+01 1057
[5,] 36.19906 9.785331e+01 917
etc. it returns a matrix and the coordinates are gone (which I probably need later to link the pixels from the DEM to the pixels of a .asc file). Well, I just don´t really know how to solve this task, unluckily I am an R-beginner... Thank you for your help!