Can someone please clarify if we can create and run a BOT Service using the Microsoft BOT Framework on a completely Non-Azure/Non-Cloud/Non-Azurestack purely ON-Premise traditional Private environment ( that sits behind a very strict corporate proxy with no access to Azure/AWS/Internet at runtime ) using a Internal On-Prem Skype For Business channel ? If so ... is there a link that I can use to achieve the same ( deploy to IIS? ) .
I looked at this thread : Bot Framework without Azure possible?
That appears to still require an internet connection and register the bot on MS site. If that is a one time activity thats ok but will my BOT Service require a connection to that registration to keep it working ?
So Far I have created a Hello World Bot that works fine using VS2017 and the Bot emulator (Steps: ). How ever I would like to deploy this to our internal Skype for Business channel and this is where it is not clear if it can run independently of any Azure/Cloud service.
Thanks much in advance