
My goal is to split up a dataframe, run igraph's graph_from_data_frame on each group and combine this back into the original dataframe in some way.

So far I've been able to get the igraph function to return a list of what I think are graph parameters, but I can't tell because I can't 'see' inside the listed rows. Here is some replicable code:

Data <- data.frame(
  From = sample(c("Dan", "Sharon","Bob","Andrew"), 100, replace = TRUE),
  To = sample(c("Dan", "Sharon","Bob","Andrew"), 100, replace = TRUE),
  Time=sample(c(1,2,3),100, replace = TRUE),
Data %>% View

I'd like to pull the graph measures of centrality and combine them with the ID.match variable. I then plan to regress these measures on other variables of interest already contained within my dataset. I'm using group_by on Time to create a graph for each point in time like this:

 Data %>% group_by(Time) %>% do(v=graph_from_data_frame(.))

The igraph function, graph_from_data_frame, create's an igraph object from which the measures of centrality can be obtained. The following code can do what I want without group_by. I'd like to use this with group_by:

Data <- data.frame(
  From = sample(c("Dan", "Sharon","Bob","Andrew"), 100, replace = TRUE),
  To = sample(c("Dan", "Sharon","Bob","Andrew"), 100, replace = TRUE),
  # Time=sample(c(1,2,3),100, replace = TRUE),
Data %>% View

g <- graph_from_data_frame(Data)

enter image description here The plot looks like this, which is expected:

metrics <- data.frame(
  Closeness = closeness(g),
  Betweenness = betweenness(g)
metrics %>% View

enter image description here

I would like to have a 'metrics' dataframe for each group. This question is similar to this SO question, but I can't seem to get things worked out. I've tried to use the purrr package to unlist the listed dataframe, but I think it's a bit too advanced for me. Any help would be much appreciated.


1 Answers


Your data with Time

DF <- data.frame(
  From = sample(c("Dan", "Sharon","Bob","Andrew"), 100, replace = TRUE),
  To = sample(c("Dan", "Sharon","Bob","Andrew"), 100, replace = TRUE),
  Time=sample(c(1,2,3),100, replace = TRUE),

function to make metrics data frame

makemetrics <- function(gr) {
                    data.frame(Degree=degree(gr), Closeness = closeness(gr), Betweenness = betweenness(gr))


Dsplit <- split(DF, DF$Time)
lapply(Dsplit, function(x) makemetrics(graph_from_data_frame(x)))


       Degree Closeness Betweenness
Andrew     17 0.3333333   0.1818182
Bob         8 0.2000000   0.0000000
Sharon     11 0.2500000   2.0000000
Dan        20 0.3333333   0.8181818

       Degree Closeness Betweenness
Andrew     17 0.2500000   0.0000000
Dan        19 0.3333333   0.0000000
Bob        17 0.3333333   0.6666667
Sharon     19 0.3333333   0.3333333

       Degree Closeness Betweenness
Sharon     26 0.3333333         0.8
Bob        17 0.3333333         0.0
Dan        15 0.3333333         0.2
Andrew     14 0.2500000         0.0

Something extra

You can save your results in a data frame again using purrr:map_df

ans <- lapply(Dsplit, function(x) makemetrics(graph_from_data_frame(x)))
map_df(ans, ~.x, .id="Time")


   Time Degree Closeness Betweenness
1     1     17 0.3333333   0.1818182
2     1      8 0.2000000   0.0000000
3     1     11 0.2500000   2.0000000
4     1     20 0.3333333   0.8181818
5     2     17 0.2500000   0.0000000
6     2     19 0.3333333   0.0000000
7     2     17 0.3333333   0.6666667
8     2     19 0.3333333   0.3333333
9     3     26 0.3333333   0.8000000
10    3     17 0.3333333   0.0000000
11    3     15 0.3333333   0.2000000
12    3     14 0.2500000   0.0000000