This is a very peculiar problem for my project so if it is something dumb then please spare me.
I am building a dynamic table in Angular where each row is a word and Columns are the languages and each cell is the corresponding translation in that language.
So the problem is that I have to keep track of which table cell a user has clicked so that I can create or update the value of that cell.
The code is something like this:
<tr *ngFor="let data of data">
<td contenteditable='true' (keyup.enter)="saveEntry($event)"
width="300px" height="40px" >{{data.key}}</td>
<td *ngFor="let column of tableColumns;let j = index"
(keyup.enter)="onRowClick($event, column.languageID,
<ng-container *ngFor="let dataValue of data.value ;let k = index">
<span *ngIf="column.languageID==dataValue.languageID">
<span *ngIf="column.languageID!=dataValue.languageID">
Help needed : I need to get index k of the *ngFor in the ng-container in my
method like this :
I know that the ng-container
*ngFor loop is created after the first but Is there any way I can get the index k of that cell before hand.
Or is there any other better way to keep track of the individual cells of the table?