I try to use an icon instead of the title on the main page of my Xamarin.Forms app.
I've read a lot of related topics, but I didn't found any solution:
- navigationpage-settitleicon
- navigationpage-settitleicon-works-on-ios-but-not-android
- toolbar-title-set-center-align
- xamarin-forms-custom-toolbar-android
- navigationpage-settitleicon-works-on-ios-but-not-android
On iOS this is done easily by adding this on my first page:
NavigationPage.SetTitleIcon(this, "navbar_logo.png");
On Android, I've added this on Toolbar.axml:
<ImageView android:src="@drawable/navbar_adp_logo"
android:layout_gravity="center" />
This works, but the icon is now visible on each page on Android...
I've tried to use a renderer to hide the icon when I navigate to another page. For this I would like to use the override OnViewAdded() method:
public class CustomNavigationPageRenderer : NavigationPageRenderer
public override void OnViewAdded(Android.Views.View child)
{ ... }
I try to use OnViewAdded() cause I've seen in QuickWatch that this method is called each time that I navigate in my Xamarin.Forms app.
I've also noticed that the method is called 2 times during navigation:
- the first time, the child parameter is a V7.Widget.Toolbar:
- the second time, the child parameter is a Xamarin.Forms.Platform.Android.PageContainer:
So I tried to cast the child into Xamarin.Forms.Platform.Android.PageContainer, but I can't do it because this object is "internal":
PageContainer is inaccessible due to its protection method.
Why couldn't I do it in code, if I can do it with QuickWatch? I don't see if there is another way to achieve this... Would you have any suggestion?