My spreadsheet is composed of a main sheet that is populated using a form plus several other sheets for the people who work with the responses submitted through the form. A script delegates the form responses to these other sheets depending on the type of item described in the response. The problem is, when Person A deletes an item from their respective sheet, it doesn't delete in the main sheet. My idea is that when you type a set password into the corresponding cell in row 'Q' in Person A's sheet, it matches the item by timestamp to the original form submission and deletes both the version of the item in Person A's sheet as well as the main sheet. However, I can't figure out what to set the range to to get it to point to the row in the array. Everything I have tried has sent back "undefined" in the debugger and won't delete anything. I think the problem is that I don't know how to get the row from the array that I have made. See my code below:
function onEdit() {//copies edited items from individual selector sheets back onto main spreadsheet
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var actSheet = ss.getActiveSheet();
var responseSheet = ss.getSheetByName("Item Request");
var actCell = actSheet.getActiveCell();
var actRow = actCell.getRow();
var actVal = actCell.getValue();
var actLoc = actCell.getA1Notation();
var last = actSheet.getLastRow();
var respLast = responseSheet.getLastRow();
var dataA = responseSheet.getRange(1, 1, respLast, 1).getValues(); //compiles an array of data found in column A through last row in response sheet
var tstamp1 = actSheet.getRange(actCell.getRow(), 1);
var tsVal1 = tstamp1.getValue();
var colEdit = actCell.getColumn();
//===========THIS IS WHERE I'M STUCK=======================
if ((actVal == "p@ssword") && (colEdit == 17)) {
for (i = 1; i < dataA.length; i++) {
if (dataA[i][0].toString == tsVal1.toString()) {
responseSheet.deleteRow(i + 1);
else if (colEdit == 15) { //checks the array to see if the edit was made to the "O" column
for (i = 1; i < dataA.length; i++) {//checking for timestamp match and copies entry
if (dataA[i][0].toString() == tsVal1.toString()) {
var toEdit = responseSheet.getRange(i + 1, 16);
else if (colEdit == 16) { // checks the array to see if the edit was made in the "P" column
for (i = 1; i < dataA.length; i++) {//checking for timestamp match and copies entry
if (dataA[i][0].toString() == tsVal1.toString()) {
var toEdit = responseSheet.getRange(i + 1, 17);
else {return;}
}//end onEdit