
In the Youtube charnel, I saw many of these demos show a portal using ARKit. Actually, I think they use Unity to build the demo. I want to use ARKit and SceneKit to implement that.

When I set the scene.background.contents property, the camera capture image couldn't show any more.

        if sceneView.scene.background.contents == nil {
        sceneView.scene.background.contents = UIImage(named: "Media.scnassets/environment_blur.exr")!

in iOS 11, SCNMaterial have a new property: colorBufferWriteMask, but I don't know how to use it. Apple use colorBufferWriteMask to implement the Planes Obscure Objects in their ARKit sample code.

enter image description here

Does anybody have idea how to made it ?


1 Answers


Yes, you need to place a SCNNode in your arkit scene. You can define the node as a SCNSphere and place the image within the sphere bounds or use the essentially make the skin of the sphere your image.