I am new to Hadoop Eco System.
I am in the process of setting up a Hadoop Eco System on a single node. Hadoop system is already been setup and is working fine along with HBASE and HIVE. To to connect to external sources of data, I am setting up sqoop 1.99.7 server. I am finding it difficult to setup, as documentation is creating sort of confusion. Can some one help me with step by step process... The steps done by me so far ..
- Java 1.7 version - available
- Hadoop common - already been setup and verified
- Downloaded and installed sqoop version 1.99.7
- configured the ~/.bashrc file with export SQOOP_HOME=/usr/lib/sqoop export PATH=$PATH:$SQOOP_HOME/bin
- Source the bashrc file
Now I am not clear, as per documentation provided, on and I am stuck here for the last one day... 1. Creating Third party jars - I have created a directory /var/lib/sqoop2 using mkdir -p /var/lib/sqoop2
(Creation did not give any error and unable to locate this directory)
Hence copy all mysql-jdbc* files, postgresql-jdbc could not be done. Also
Unable to locate mysl-jdbc* files in the server path
2. I presume no action is required to configure the sqoop_boot starp. properties and sqoop.properties
Unless the above steps completed, I ca not start the sqoop server. Can one correct me on the above as well what needs to be done.. Thanks in advance.. Sreeram