As mentioned in Flink documentation, I was able to read text input from text server by opening a local socket using
amar@admin:~$ nc -l 12345
and then receiving it on Flink program using
DataStream<String> text = env.socketTextStream("localhost", 12345);
However, as I am simulating some scenario, so I want to get Stream of Data from a VM (and then various VM's eventually) and send it to CEP program running on Host OS.
So, I have installed VM, using Vagrant and SSH into it using vagrant ssh
the hostname of guest OS is precise64
IP address using ifconfig =
Now, what I want to do, for now, is to see if I can send some data from VM and receive it in Flink program the same way I was able to do in the local environment.
I opened Netcat socket on guest os by using
vagrant@precise64:~$ nc -l 12345
and I tried to receive it on host program by using, but got error
DataStream<String> text = env.socketTextStream("precise64", 12345);
I also tried [email protected] above, but I think I am doing it wrong.
any ideas, how should I approach to send DataStream from VM to Host Flink Program
Suggestions are most welcome, thanks in advance!