I am running a macro from one workbook (ie. wb1.xlsm) that copies a template workbook into another location and renames it (ie. wb2.xlsm). It then uses Application.Run to run an AutoSetup() Sub located in wb2. This creates the appropriate sheets based on the parameters its given.
My problem occurs during this process. It is set up using existing functions which occur in a UserForm.
When I run the macro I do not want to see anything pop up, yet even with Application.Events and Application.Visible set to False The UserForm that performs the setup calculation still pops up and is visible.
Any suggestions?
Code below:
'AutoSetup Module
Public Sub AutoSetup(Project As String, Program As String, TestName As String, _
TestType As String, TaskNumber As String, Token As String)
Dim TokenArr() As String
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.EnableEvents = False
Set IntSht = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Integrations")
Set DctSht = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Duct")
IntSht.Range("B4").value = Program
IntSht.Range("B5").value = TestName
IntSht.Range("E4").value = Project
IntSht.Range("E5").value = TaskNumber
Call WorkbookSetup
MenuForm.TestSetBox.value = TestType
TokenArr = Split(Base64DecodeString(Token), ",")
EPFLogin.TextBox1.value = TokenArr(0)
EPFLogin.TextBox2.value = TokenArr(1)
MenuForm.LoadSheets (True)
End Sub