
Is there a difference between isset and !empty. If I do this double boolean check, is it correct this way or redundant? and is there a shorter way to do the same thing?

isset($vars[1]) AND !empty($vars[1])
There is a nice chart on the results of using them with different types of variables (they do have differences) here: virendrachandak.com/demos/php-isset-vs-empty-vs-is_null.phpJeff Clayton
The obvious exact complements are isset and is_null, but !empty covers a few different ones. It all depends on the type of data you are testing for.Jeff Clayton

10 Answers


This is completely redundant. empty is more or less shorthand for !isset($foo) || !$foo, and !empty is analogous to isset($foo) && $foo. I.e. empty does the reverse thing of isset plus an additional check for the truthiness of a value.

Or in other words, empty is the same as !$foo, but doesn't throw warnings if the variable doesn't exist. That's the main point of this function: do a boolean comparison without worrying about the variable being set.

The manual puts it like this:

empty() is the opposite of (boolean) var, except that no warning is generated when the variable is not set.

You can simply use !empty($vars[1]) here.


isset() tests if a variable is set and not null:


empty() can return true when the variable is set to certain values:


To demonstrate this, try the following code with $the_var unassigned, set to 0, and set to 1.


#$the_var = 0;

if (isset($the_var)) {
  echo "set";
} else {
  echo "not set";

echo "\n";

if (empty($the_var)) {
  echo "empty";
} else {
  echo "not empty";

The accepted answer is not correct.

isset() is NOT equivalent to !empty().

You will create some rather unpleasant and hard to debug bugs if you go down this route. e.g. try running this code:


$s = '';

print "isset: '" . isset($s) . "'. ";
print "!empty: '" . !empty($s) . "'";



$a = 0;
if (isset($a)) { //$a is set because it has some value ,eg:0
    echo '$a has value';
if (!empty($a)) { //$a is empty because it has value 0
    echo '$a is not empty';
} else {
    echo '$a is empty';

isset($vars[1]) AND !empty($vars[1]) is equivalent to !empty($vars[1]).

I prepared simple code to show it empirically.

Last row is undefined variable.

| Var value | empty() | isset() | !empty() | isset() && !empty() |
| ''        | true    | true    | false    | false               |
| ' '       | false   | true    | true     | true                |
| false     | true    | true    | false    | false               |
| true      | false   | true    | true     | true                |
| array ()  | true    | true    | false    | false               |
| NULL      | true    | false   | false    | false               |
| '0'       | true    | true    | false    | false               |
| 0         | true    | true    | false    | false               |
| 0.0       | true    | true    | false    | false               |
| undefined | true    | false   | false    | false               |

And code

$var1 = "";
$var2 = " ";
$var3 = FALSE;
$var4 = TRUE;
$var5 = array();
$var6 = null;
$var7 = "0";
$var8 = 0;
$var9 = 0.0;

function compare($var)
    print(var_export($var, true) . "|" .
        var_export(empty($var), true) . "|" .
        var_export(isset($var), true) . "|" .
        var_export(!empty($var), true) . "|" .
        var_export(isset($var) && !empty($var), true) . "\n");

for ($i = 1; $i <= 9; $i++) {
    $var = 'var' . $i;

@print(var_export($var10, true) . "|" .
    var_export(empty($var10), true) . "|" .
    var_export(isset($var10), true) . "|" .
    var_export(!empty($var10), true) . "|" .
    var_export(isset($var10) && !empty($var10), true) . "\n");

Undefined variable must be evaluated outside function, because function itself create temporary variable in the scope itself.


Empty just check is the refered variable/array has an value if you check the php doc(empty) you'll see this things are considered emtpy

* "" (an empty string)
* 0 (0 as an integer)
* "0" (0 as a string)
* array() (an empty array)
* var $var; (a variable declared, but without a value in a class)

while isset check if the variable isset and not null which can also be found in the php doc(isset)


It is not necessary.

No warning is generated if the variable does not exist. That means empty() is essentially the concise equivalent to !isset($var) || $var == false.



"Empty": only works on variables. Empty can mean different things for different variable types (check manual: http://php.net/manual/en/function.empty.php).

"isset": checks if the variable exists and checks for a true NULL or false value. Can be unset by calling "unset". Once again, check the manual.

Use of either one depends of the variable type you are using.

I would say, it's safer to check for both, because you are checking first of all if the variable exists, and if it isn't really NULL or empty.

  • From the PHP Web site, referring to the empty() function:

Returns FALSE if var has a non-empty and non-zero value.

That’s a good thing to know. In other words, everything from NULL, to 0 to “” will return TRUE when using the empty() function.

  • Here is the description of what the isset() function returns:

Returns TRUE if var exists; FALSE otherwise.

In other words, only variables that don’t exist (or, variables with strictly NULL values) will return FALSE on the isset() function. All variables that have any type of value, whether it is 0, a blank text string, etc. will return TRUE.


if we use same page to add/edit via submit button like below

<input type="hidden" value="<?echo $_GET['edit_id'];?>" name="edit_id">

then we should not use


bcoz edit_id is set all the time whether it is add or edit page , instead we should use check below condition
