Google Sheets API v4 This API has been giving error 500 and error 503 for 24+ hours.
The code was working previously for many months and nothing has changed.
I know 500 and 503 are supposed to be internal errors, but from searches it seems that they are returned in obscure cases that might not be well documented that users can work around.
The issues is not related to rate-limiting. My gut feel was related to an auth token expiring (as nothing in the code had changed), but I tried refreshing the auth token and still get the issue.
I don't see any issues on Google's status/uptime pages.
The response from the sheets.spreadsheets.values.append API is usually:
"code": 503,
"errors": [
"message": "The service is currently unavailable.",
"domain": "global",
"reason": "backendError"
But sometimes also:
"code": 500,
"errors": [
"message": "Internal error encountered.",
"domain": "global",
"reason": "backendError"
Example request payload, which includes an actual sheet ID that repros this if there's a Googler available to try it repro on their end:
"spreadsheetId": "1_P5IR4OLbYd27L9m184R37L_PP2drCk6PSJndIlEhms",
"range": "Incoming!A4",
"valueInputOption": "USER_ENTERED",
"insertDataOption": "INSERT_ROWS",
"resource": {
"values": [
"=HYPERLINK(\"https://url/\", \"Blah\")",
"6/13 22:18",
"auth": {
"transporter": {},
"clientId_": "",
"clientSecret_": "anonymizied",
"redirectUri_": "urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob",
"opts": {},
"credentials": {
"access_token": "anonymizied",
"refresh_token": "anonymizied",
"token_type": "Bearer",
"expiry_date": 1502144766732