
Update March 2021

Angular team finally merge the PR for that, you can looks at https://github.com/angular/angular/pull/40303 for more detail.

To use it, simply put

<div routerLinkActive="active-link" [routerLinkActiveOptions]="options">

Where options will have the either the shape of IsActiveMatchOptions

export declare interface IsActiveMatchOptions {
    fragment: 'exact' | 'ignored';
    matrixParams: 'exact' | 'subset' | 'ignored';
    paths: 'exact' | 'subset';
    queryParams: 'exact' | 'subset' | 'ignored';

or simply accept a boolean exact

   exact: boolean

Original Question

I am using routerLink in Angular as below

<li routerLinkActive="active">
    <a [routerLink]="['/view', 10]"                 
       [queryParams]="{'offset': 0, 'numberOfItems': 100}" 
        <div><span class="badge" [innerHtml]="viewCount"></span></div>

So the .active class was added to li tag when the URL looks like


If the URL was changed either offset or numberOfItems to a different value, the .active class will be removed, such as.


I went through the angular docs and managed to make it works by adding another routerLink but make it hidden as below.

<li routerLinkActive="active">
    <a [routerLink]="['/view', 10]"                 
       [queryParams]="{'offset': 0, 'numberOfItems': 100}" 
        <div><span class="badge" [innerHtml]="viewCount"></span></div>
    <a [routerLink]="['/view', 10]" style="display:none;">                
        <div><span class="badge" [innerHtml]="viewCount"></span></div>

Seem the above approach is a little hack. Is there any configuration that I can set to make routerLinkActive works when router parameter presents with optional query parameter?

Just exploring the options here: Is that necessary to put in query params values (offset = 0, items = 100) in the <a> tag? If that is the default values, shouldn't they be set inside the destination component itself? In that case, you will only need one <a> here.Harry Ninh
With my current architecture, It is necessary. Because I configure the 2 different route with the same component and resolve. One route needs these params and the other not. Then when resolve guard is calling, I will use the params to retrieve data accordingly.trungk18
I've just checked the source-code. It's comparing the exact URL so no, there's no configuration to opt-out the parameters.Harry Ninh

3 Answers


I run into the same issue, but it looks this's by design according this https://github.com/angular/angular/issues/13205

vsavkin is a router creator.


You may find this helpful - extend RouterLinkActive - an item is 'selected' if it contains a string...

import { Directive, Input, OnChanges, ElementRef, Renderer2, ChangeDetectorRef, SimpleChanges, Injector, AfterContentInit } from '@angular/core';
import { Router,RouterLinkActive, RouterLink, RouterLinkWithHref } from '@angular/router';

  selector: '[routerLinkActiveQS]',
  exportAs: 'routerLinkActiveQS'
export class RouterLinkQsactiveDirective extends RouterLinkActive implements OnChanges, AfterContentInit

  set routerLinkActiveQS(data: string[]|string) {
    (<any>this).routerLinkActive = data;

  @Input() routerLinkActiveQSContains : string;

  constructor ( injector: Injector ) {
    super ( injector.get(Router),injector.get(ElementRef),injector.get(Renderer2),injector.get(ChangeDetectorRef));
    (<any>RouterLinkQsactiveDirective.prototype).isLinkActive = this.MyisLinkActive;

  ngOnChanges(changes: SimpleChanges): void {

  ngAfterContentInit(): void {

  private MyisLinkActive(router: Router): (link: (RouterLink|RouterLinkWithHref)) => boolean {
    const result = (link: RouterLink | RouterLinkWithHref) => {
      let resultInsde = router.isActive(link.urlTree, this.routerLinkActiveOptions.exact);
      resultInsde = resultInsde || router.url.includes ( this.routerLinkActiveQSContains );
      return resultInsde;
    return result;


The solution works with Angular 11. Sets the link as active regardless of different query params (only segments/path is compared).

import * as _ from 'lodash';

import {
  ElementRef, Input,
  Renderer2, SimpleChanges
} from '@angular/core';
import { Router, RouterLink, RouterLinkActive, RouterLinkWithHref } from '@angular/router';

  selector: '[rcRouterLinkActive]',
  exportAs: 'rcRouterLinkActive',
export class RcRouterLinkActiveDirective extends RouterLinkActive  implements OnChanges, OnDestroy, AfterContentInit {
  set rcRouterLinkActive(data: string[]|string) {
    const classes = Array.isArray(data) ? data : data.split(' ');
    (<any>this).classes = classes.filter(c => !!c);

    router: Router,
    element: ElementRef,
    renderer: Renderer2,
    cdr: ChangeDetectorRef,
    @Optional() link?: RouterLink,
    @Optional() linkWithHref?: RouterLinkWithHref
  ) {
    super(router, element, renderer, cdr, link, linkWithHref);
    (<any>RcRouterLinkActiveDirective).prototype.isLinkActive = this.isRcLinkActive;

   * this method sets the link as active regardless of query params
   * @param router
   * @private
  private isRcLinkActive(router: Router): (link: (RouterLink|RouterLinkWithHref)) => boolean {
    return (link: RouterLink|RouterLinkWithHref) =>{
      const linkPath = '/' + link.urlTree.root.children.primary.segments.join('/');

      return router.isActive(link.urlTree, this.routerLinkActiveOptions.exact) ||
        _.startsWith(router.url, linkPath);

  ngOnChanges(changes: SimpleChanges) {

  ngOnDestroy() {

  ngAfterContentInit() {

Usage (works as standard angular's routerLinkActive):

<a ... rcRouterLinkActive="active" ...>Link text</a>