I have added 2 type of devices in Watson-Iot platform, one is Iot-Bridge and one is gateway. When I make the API call to get device info for gateway type of device, it gives me the information but same type of call for Iot-Bridge type device says NotFound. e.g. https://internetofthings.ibmcloud.com/api/v0002/organizations/{orgId}/device/types/gateway01/devices/{deviceId} gives device Info but below call gives NOT FOUND, however there is a device by that name as /bulk/devices gives list of all devices. https://internetofthings.ibmcloud.com/api/v0002/organizations/{orgId}/device/types/iot-bridge/devices/{deviceId}
Can anyone provide any idea?
Also how can I get all the information for data sent by these devices to Iot Platform? API endpoint is given but its giving Bad Request.