I am trying to figure out when to call the methods property, versus when is best to call a computed property. It seems to me that computed is generally preferable since a method will respond anytime a property is called which accesses the DOM.
In the following code, the two buttons tracks a basic counter which increments by 1. The same output is passed to the DOM through a method and through a computed property. Every increment triggers both the computed and the methods properties as shown in the console.
<div id="content">
<!--counter control-->
<button v-on:click="counter++">Increase Counter</button>
<button v-on:click="counter--">Decrease Counter</button>
<!--counter output-->
<p>{{ resultMethod() }}</p>
<p>{{ resultComputed }}</p>
new Vue({
el: '#content',
data: {
counter: 0
computed: {
resultComputed: function(){
console.log("computed.result was run");
return this.counter < 5 ? 'small_number' : 'LARGENUMBER';
methods: {
resultMethod: function(){
console.log("methods.result was run");
return this.counter < 5 ? 'small_number' : 'LARGENUMBER';
Now if we add another couple data properties we can see that tracking them doesn't cause the method or the computed property to be triggered.
<!--new data options-->
<button v-on:click="secondCounter++">Second Counter</button>
<button v-on:click="formSubmit=true">Form Submit</button>
//New Data Properties
secondCounter: 0,
formSubmit: false
Now displaying these data properties to the DOM shows first that the data is indeed being tracked correctly, and second these actions trigger the same methods property as our counter even though these variables are not related to this method.
Finally, if we create an entirely random and unrelated method and reference it in the DOM, this too will be called everytime any of our variables are changed from the DOM. I use the simple method as an example.
<h2>{{ unrelatedMethod() }}</h2>
unrelatedMethod: function(){
console.log("We are now using another random method");
var number = 2000;
return number;
So what exactly is happening here behind the scenes? Does Vue have to run every related property everytime the DOM is updataed? When would methods be a better choice over computed properties?