Using Kubernetes 1.7.0, the intention here is to be able to deploy MySQL / MongoDB / etc, and use local disk as storage backing; while webheads, and processing pods can autoscale by Kubernetes. To these aims, I've
- Set up & deployed the Local Persistent Storage provisioner to automatically provision locally attached disk to pods' Persitent Volume Claims.
- Manually created a Persistent Volume Claim, which succeeds, and the local volume is attached
Attempted to deploy MariaDB via helm by
helm install --name mysql --set persistence.storageClass=default stable/mariadb
This appears to succeed; but by going to the dashboard, I get
Storage node affinity check failed for volume "local-pv-8ef6e2af" : NodeSelectorTerm [{ Operator:In Values:[kubemaster]}] does not match node labels
I suspect this might be due to helm's charts not including nodeaffinity. Other than updating each chart manually, is there a way to tell helm to deploy to the same pod where the provisioner has the volume?