I am trying to make modal dialog window for let user know some error messages, or let user edit some values. I am using MVVM pattern, so my mainwindow has some control part and workspace part. In workspace part, i am opening viewmodels tight with datatemplate to views (defined as usercontrols). From one of these views i want to open modal dialog window. I was following this answer Error window show modal in MVVM WPF. As described in that answer, i have implemented the DialogClass in an InvoiceViewModel. But i have problem with showing the content of the modal window. If I set the content of the window to ViewModel class, output is simple text with namespace path to that ViewModel. (ViewModel attached to the View with datatemplate.) If I set content to the View - it is working - view is showed but, i am disobeing MVVM pattern (opening View from ViewModel as ViewModel has no reference to View).
ErrorViewModel newErrorViewModel = new ErrorViewModel();
ErrorView newErrorView = new ErrorView();
DialogWindow dialogWindow = new DialogWindow();
//Not Working
//dialogWindow.Content = newErrorViewModel;
//Working But, breaking MVVM
dialogWindow.Content = newErrorView;
In ErrorView.xaml i have attached ErrorViewModel like this.
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type vm:ErrorViewModel}">
What am i doing wrong?