
I am having two Sheets BW and PSW.

With the BW the data is starting from row 4. the above 3 rows are merged and I have some command Buttons there. the sheet PSW starts from 1st row.

I am looking for the ID in sheet1,which starts from L5 and when the Id matches in sheet2, it pulls the date from sheet2 to sheet1. I am using the below code. The code, is not executing any Output. Could anyone tell where I am making mistake.

I suppose,in the below line, the range starts from A and since my data starts from row5, it does not Count. if this is the case, then how i should Change the range. I had this code running, if my data starts with row1 without any command buttons.

totalrows = Sheets("BW").Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row

Sub lookupePSR()
Dim totalrows As Long, totalrowsSht2 As Long
totalrows = Sheets("PSW").Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
totalrowsSht2 = Sheets("PSW").Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
Sheets("PSW").Range("AA5:AA" & totalrows).Formula = Application.WorksheetFunction.IfError(Application.VLookup(Sheets("PSW").Range("L5:L" & totalrowsSht2), Sheets("PSW").Range("$A:$L"), 7, 0), "")
End Sub
Do you want to put formulas in the cells, or the results of formulas in the cells ??Gary's Student
@Gary'sStudent result of the formula in cellsMikz
Sheets("PSW").Range("AA5:AA" & totalrows).Formula = "PUT ACTUAL FORMULA HERE" Put the formula in the worksheet and then put it in the code that I gave. Replace all ", if any, with ""Siddharth Rout
@SiddharthRout ya , will try and let you knowMikz
Remember to put the formula in AA5 and then use that. If it doesn't work then post the formula that you manually put in AA5Siddharth Rout

1 Answers


As mentioned in comments, put the actual formula into the worksheet; optionally revert to the values returned by the formulas.

with Sheets("PSW").Range("AA5:AA" & totalrows)
    .Formula = "=iferror(vlookup(l5, $a:$g, 7, false), text(,))"
    'optionally revert the formulas' returned values to values in cells
    .value = .value
end with

The TEXT(,) is the same as ""; i.e. a zero-length string. I use this because you have to double-up double-quotes (e.g. "" becomes """") when used in a quoted string like the formula above and that confuses matters.

I've cut your lookup range down to A:G since you are only looking for the seventh column in the range.