Is there any way I can export the data to google cloud storage from select statement (BigQuery) without creating a table.
I have a requirement to pull data based on select statement (BigQuery) every day and put the file in google cloud storage.
I know we can do export from BigQuery following ways.
- Command Line -- In this option I need to create a temporary table. I couldnt see any example or syntax without temp table.
bq query --destination_table=mydataset.happyhalloween "SELECT name,count FROM mydataset.babynames WHERE gender = 'M' ORDER BY count DESC LIMIT 6" bq extract 'bigquery-public-data:samples.shakespeare' gs://example-bucket/shakespeare.csv
- WebConsole -- This option is out since need to schedule
- API -- With API also I couldn't see from SQL Query. I see the examples with entire table.
Let me know is there any way to export the data to google cloud storage from Bigquery select statement without creating a temporary table.