How can I show/hide a list item's div depending on which radio button was selected? If I select the first radio button, item[0] should display. If I select the second radio button, item[0] is now hidden and item[1] is showing. I'm not sure what is the best practice to make this work as I already have an *ngFor and you can't combine that with an *ngIf. :( Setting a boolean var inside a component just seems to toggle the whole section which is not what i'm looking for.
<input [(ngModel)]="regionSelected" type="radio" id="radio">
<input [(ngModel)]="regionSelected" type="radio" id="radio">
<section *ngIf="regionSelected">
<div *ngFor="let item of result; let i=index" [ngClass]="{'europe': i === 0, 'usa': i === 1}">
Any ideas?